The Design Process

Client: Behavioural Insights Team

Client: Behavioural Insights Team

Client: Behavioural Insights Team

UX Research

UX Research

UX Research

UX Design

UX Design

UX Design

UI Design

UI Design

UI Design



UX Research|UX/UI Design

UX Research|UX/UI Design

Behavioural Insights Team

Behavioural Insights Team





Scope of Work

Scope of Work








Behavioural Insights Team



Scope of Work

UX Research|UX/UI Design

In response to critical insights from the UK government Target and the Behavioural Insights Team, this project addresses a pressing societal challenge related to well-being. The identified issue revolves around the need for effective digital solutions to enhance the overall mental and emotional well-being of individuals. The project seeks to bridge the existing gap in accessibility and impact.

In response to critical insights from the UK government Target and the Behavioural Insights Team, this project addresses a pressing societal challenge related to well-being. The identified issue revolves around the need for effective digital solutions to enhance the overall mental and emotional well-being of individuals. The project seeks to bridge the existing gap in accessibility and impact.

In response to critical insights from the UK government Target and the Behavioural Insights Team, this project addresses a pressing societal challenge related to well-being. The identified issue revolves around the need for effective digital solutions to enhance the overall mental and emotional well-being of individuals. The project seeks to bridge the existing gap in accessibility and impact.

The solution to this was to make sure that all the five ways of wellbeing were targeted and made a effortless journey for the user. This was done by:

Modern UI design

Leveraging customer data for hyper-personalisation

Transforming information architecture paradigms

Analysing common user journeys and scenarios

The solution to this was to make sure that all the five ways of wellbeing were targeted and made a effortless journey for the user. This was done by:

Modern UI design

Leveraging customer data for hyper-personalisation

Transforming information architecture paradigms

Analysing common user journeys and scenarios

The solution to this was to make sure that all the five ways of wellbeing were targeted and made a effortless journey for the user. This was done by:

Modern UI design

Leveraging customer data for hyper-personalisation

Transforming information architecture paradigms

Analysing common user journeys and scenarios



The main challenge was to apply the five ways of wellbeing to meet the problem’s goals and challenges. It was clear that that there wasn’t a mental health app that incorporated this, which left a gap in the market and experience for the user.

The main challenge was to apply the five ways of wellbeing to meet the problem’s goals and challenges. It was clear that that there wasn’t a mental health app that incorporated this, which left a gap in the market and experience for the user.

The main challenge was to apply the five ways of wellbeing to meet the problem’s goals and challenges. It was clear that that there wasn’t a mental health app that incorporated this, which left a gap in the market and experience for the user.



Also know as the “Nudge Unit” , The Behavioural Insights Team is a UK-based social purpose organisation. That applies and generates behavioural insights to improve public services.

Also know as the “Nudge Unit” , The Behavioural Insights Team is a UK-based social purpose organisation. That applies and generates behavioural insights to improve public services.

Also know as the “Nudge Unit” , The Behavioural Insights Team is a UK-based social purpose organisation. That applies and generates behavioural insights to improve public services.


About Behavioural Insights Team

About Behavioural Insights Team



User Research

User Interview

Competitve Analysis




User Personas

Empathy Map

User Journey




Hi-Fi Designs






Future Concept

User Flow

User Flow

Information Architecture





User Flow






Future Concept



Hi-Fi Designs





User Research

User Interview

Competitve Analysis



User Personas

Empathy Map

User Journey

User Flow


1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week

5th week

6th week


User Research, User Interview, Competitve Analysis


User Personas, Empathy Map, User Journey, Affinity diagram


User flow, & Information Architecture


Wireframe, HI-Fi Design, Prototype


Feedbacks, Conclusion, Future Concept

This app caters to gardeners of diverse ages and experience levels, offering a tailored solution to enhance their well-being and elevate their gardening endeavours.

This app caters to gardeners of diverse ages and experience levels, offering a tailored solution to enhance their well-being and elevate their gardening endeavours.



Target Audience

To comprehensively understand the behaviours and needs of the target audience, I executed a research initiative encompassing interviews and surveys. My findings underscored that older adults exhibited a significant interest in gardening, validating my initial demographic assumptions.

However, securing participants actively involved in gardening posed a challenge due to their limited online presence for pre-contact. My research was sorted into quantitative and qualitative segments: the quantitative research yielded numerical data and statistical analysis, while the qualitative research offered nuanced insights and perspectives from participants, enriching my understanding of their experiences.

To comprehensively understand the behaviours and needs of the target audience, I executed a research initiative encompassing interviews and surveys. My findings underscored that older adults exhibited a significant interest in gardening, validating my initial demographic assumptions.

However, securing participants actively involved in gardening posed a challenge due to their limited online presence for pre-contact. My research was sorted into quantitative and qualitative segments: the quantitative research yielded numerical data and statistical analysis, while the qualitative research offered nuanced insights and perspectives from participants, enriching my understanding of their experiences.



User Research

To ensure efficient progress and timely delivery, a project map was crafted. This map outlined specific completion dates for each stage within the 5-step UX framework, enabling precise planning and alignment with project deadlines.


Project Timeline

This app caters to gardeners of diverse ages and experience levels, offering a tailored solution to enhance their well-being and elevate their gardening endeavours.


Target Audience

To comprehensively understand the behaviours and needs of the target audience, I executed a research initiative encompassing interviews and surveys. My findings underscored that older adults exhibited a significant interest in gardening, validating my initial demographic assumptions.

However, securing participants actively involved in gardening posed a challenge due to their limited online presence for pre-contact. My research was sorted into quantitative and qualitative segments: the quantitative research yielded numerical data and statistical analysis, while the qualitative research offered nuanced insights and perspectives from participants, enriching my understanding of their experiences.


User Research



Homegrown with bonnie plants

Learning Feature

Searchable database

Plant Tracker

Filter Option




Lawn to Wildflowers



Conducting competitive analysis equipped me with invaluable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the competitors within the market. Through delving into their operations, I discerned potential opportunities to bolster the product and secure a competitive advantage.



Are keen on learning physical skills over soft and technical skills.


Prefer to interact with others outsides rather than staying indoors.


Find quiet public spaces makes them feel more curious and creative.


Are likely to explore something that has caught their eye.


Prefer to be taught a skill by someone with experience rather then self-taught.


Do activities that involve some form of communication.


Quantitative Research

Following interviews and data analysis, I crafted personas embodying the key characteristics and behaviours of our ideal application users.

User Personas



Curious Claire









Main Goal

Provide every student she teaches with the best education so they can pursue their passions.


List of user goals

Travel and teach in different countries around the world

Promote sustainability more in schools so students can look after the planet

Have a plot of land where she can grow her own plants

Pain points & objections

List of points of frustration that the user has encountered

Not having a clear UI interface that connects others with similar interests

Limits on app access

Expectations & needs

List of things that may be required to use the product or service

Easy to use application that is efficient

All in one, no loop holes or misleading links

Nature Nathaniel









Main Goal

Capture a picture of the rarest plants in every country and start a forum page on his findings.


List of user goals

Have his own forum page that he moderates

Attend more gardening networking events to meet likeminded people

Pain points & objections

List of points of frustration that the user has encountered

Distractions or interruptions when in a focused mindset

Wastefulness and inefficiency

Expectations & needs

List of things that may be required to use the product or service

Direct and streamline approach to all applications

Simple to use

Expert staff with knowledge of footwear and other apparel to give appropriate recommendations to customers.

Launch events and sports events engage community to come together to share their love for specific products or sports.

Nike experiences offer workshops for people of all ages to experience fitness initiatives as well as customisation of products.

Athlete endorsements with popular and inspirational people giving signature collections and collaborative products.





Nike features a diverse

range of sports shoes, that feature football, basketball, tennis and other lifestyle trainers.

Equipment that is sports related to help support athletes. Such as balls, helmets, bags and gloves.

More general and inclusive accessories help attire of all customers and athletes. Such as socks, watches and sunglasses.

Apparel entails all clothing aspects from performance clothing, activewear, outwear and sports related options.

Integration of tech into products that can be worn. For example heart monitor to measure performance.

NikePlus membership enables customised training plans, recovery and nutrition tips.

SNKRS app allows for a raffle for those unable to go into store for latest releases as well as a even chance to purchase items through raffle.

Adapt technology enables self-lacing shoes for adaptive fit. Which in turn get help those unable to tie their own laces.




Affinity Diagram


Sign Up




Task List

Enter personal information

Create an account with preferences

Enter personal information

Create an account with preferences

Navigation through different sections

Explore available resources

Join group discussions

Share experiences and insights

Join group discussions

Share experiences and insights

Review progress and set new goals

Adjust strategies based on insights



Hopeful to find an app that supports their needs and well-being.

Evaluating the relevance and effectiveness of each feature.

Appreciating the value of shared experiences realisation of not being alone.

Assessing what went well and what can be improved, setting realistic goals.



Simplify sign up process

Provide clear guidance on data usage

Simplify sign up process

Provide clear guidance on data usage

Improve navigation and organisation of features

Provide informative tutorials

Create more meaningful interactions between users

Visualisation of progress and achievements

Offer more recommendations

As a new app is being created, crafting the user journey necessitated an exploration of competitor applications. This allowed us to discern user preferences, identifying aspects that were intuitive and challenging in their usage.

As a new app is being created, crafting the user journey necessitated an exploration of competitor applications. This allowed us to discern user preferences, identifying aspects that were intuitive and challenging in their usage.

As a new app is being created, crafting the user journey necessitated an exploration of competitor applications. This allowed me to discern user preferences, identifying aspects that were intuitive and challenging in their usage.



User Journey


“I struggle to maintain a balanced lifestyle.”

“I feel overwhelmed by stress and don’t have time for my hobbies.”

“I want to prioritise my mental and physical health but don’t how to start.”

“I want to feel more connected with myself and others.”


Wonders if there are better ways to dealing with stress.

Wishes to have more time for self-care and relaxation.

Feels like they are constantly juggling multiple tasks and never catching up.

Wants to feel more in control of emotions and reactions.


Overwhelmed by different life stresses.

Anxious, experiences a sense of unease and worry about the future.

Disconnected, isolation or detachment from others.

Hopeful, desires positive change and believes possibility of improving well-being.


Searches online for solutions to manage well-being and stress.

Downloads and tries different apps to find which one suits their needs.

Attempts to incorporate small changes into their daily routine.

Seeks advice from friends, family and different community groups.

Empathy Map


Problem Statement

Research shows that there are five ways to wellbeing to improve gardeners' mental well-being through life. Gardeners are not achieving all five ways to well-being in accordance to research, on average they are struggling to strengthen their connections in real life as they are isolating themselves within their hobby. On the flip side they are learning new skills.

How can we get gardeners to connect with other people outside their hobbies whilst learning something new? There is a possibility to reduce some of the mental health problems gardeners may face from abandoning one of the five ways to well-being through the creation of an app following those goals.

Research shows that there are five ways to wellbeing to improve gardeners' mental well-being through life. Gardeners are not achieving all five ways to well-being in accordance to research, on average they are struggling to strengthen their connections in real life as they are isolating themselves within their hobby. On the flip side they are learning new skills.

How can we get gardeners to connect with other people outside their hobbies whilst learning something new? There is a possibility to reduce some of the mental health problems gardeners may face from abandoning one of the five ways to well-being through the creation of an app following those goals.

After completing the previous stage it has allowed me to collated all of the data received and start producing the wireframes.

After completing the previous stage it has allowed me to collated all of the data received and start producing the wireframes.

After completing the previous stage it has allowed me to collated all of the data received and start producing the wireframes.





High Fidelity Prototype

In accordance to the problem statement that outline the key problems that gardeners are facing the high fidelity prototype looked to solving that problem.

Utilising a heat map feature, users can conveniently pinpoint nearby plants and seeds shared by fellow enthusiasts, facilitating connections and potential meet-ups among gardening enthusiasts.

A customisable profile page feature, empowering users to update their location, occupation, and status. This ensures that users possess up-to-date information on their peers, enhancing social interactions and fostering stronger connections within the community.

Offering an informative plant summary, users gain insights into rarity, size, and plant category. This serves as an encyclopaedia for plants, fostering continuous learning opportunities and enriching users' botanical knowledge.

Users have the ability to access and join various community group chats, enabling them to engage in discussions on diverse gardening topics. With notifications prioritised, they can effortlessly stay informed and up-to-date on the latest conversations and developments.

A feature to showcase achievements, rewarding socialisation and engagement within the app. Users are incentivised to achieve more as these accomplishments are displayed on their profiles. Additionally, users can easily navigate between saved posts, communities, and learning activities, facilitating seamless transitions and enhancing user experience.

Providing a concise overview detailing the specifics of each plant enables users to access vital information for potential cultivation. Additionally, users can utilise the alert feature to locate fellow users who possess the plant, fostering another avenue for socialisation and engagement within the community.



Plant Information


Other Screens



Style Guide

Colour Palette


Primary Color

Secondary Color























Font Size

Line Height

24 px

20 px

18 px

16 px

14 px

12 px

16 px

36 px

24 px

28 px

24 px

22 px

16 px

24 px

Heading 1

Heading 2

Body - Large

Body - Regular

Body - Small








Key Takeaways

User testing was conducted to evaluate what aspects were effective and what needed refinement. This iterative design process allowed me to incorporate insights gathered from user testing to enhance the UI design.

User testing was conducted to evaluate what aspects were effective and what needed refinement. This iterative design process allowed me to incorporate insights gathered from user testing to enhance the UI design.

Key insights gleaned from this project emphasised the need to enhance the visibility and accessibility of social features, ensuring users can easily identify and engage with them. Additionally, facilitating connections between users with similar gardening interests and expanding search and filtering options emerged as pivotal improvements for enhancing user experience

Key insights gleaned from this project emphasised the need to enhance the visibility and accessibility of social features, ensuring users can easily identify and engage with them. Additionally, facilitating connections between users with similar gardening interests and expanding search and filtering options emerged as pivotal improvements for enhancing user experience

Next Project

Suicide&Co: Sidekick


Daniel Adegboyega

Want to work together?

Get in touch


Daniel Adegboyega

Want to work together?

Get in touch


Daniel Adegboyega

Want to work together?

Get in touch

Quantitative Research



Are keen on learning physical skills over soft and technical skills.


Find quiet public spaces makes them feel more curious and creative.


Prefer to be taught a skill by someone with experience rather then self-taught.


Prefer to interact with others outsides rather than staying indoors.


Are likely to explore something that has caught their eye.


Do activities that involve some form of communication.

Passive Patricia









Main Goal

Wants to create her own field of flowers where people can visit and host teaching class on flower maintenance.


List of user goals

Obtain all the possible seeds to grow a range of flowers

Share her experience of growing flowers with others

Pain points & objections

List of points of frustration that the user has encountered

People who don’t respect the environment

Allocating time for socialising and hobbiesz

Expectations & needs

List of things that may be required to use the product or service

Set time allocation throughtout the day

Connecting with people near them

Conducting competitive analysis equipped me with invaluable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the competitors within the market. Through delving into their operations, I discerned potential opportunities to bolster the product and secure a competitive advantage.


Empathy Map


Information Architecture/User Flow


High Fidelity Prototype

In accordance to the problem statement that outline the key problems that gardeners are facing the high fidelity prototype looked to solving that problem.

Utilising a heat map feature, users can conveniently pinpoint nearby plants and seeds shared by fellow enthusiasts, facilitating connections and potential meet-ups among gardening enthusiasts.

Users have the ability to access and join various community group chats, enabling them to engage in discussions on diverse gardening topics. With notifications prioritised, they can effortlessly stay informed and up-to-date on the latest conversations and developments.



A customisable profile page feature, empowering users to update their location, occupation, and status. This ensures that users possess up-to-date information on their peers, enhancing social interactions and fostering stronger connections within the community.

A feature to showcase achievements, rewarding socialisation and engagement within the app. Users are incentivised to achieve more as these accomplishments are displayed on their profiles. Additionally, users can easily navigate between saved posts, communities, and learning activities, facilitating seamless transitions and enhancing user experience.


Other Screens

Next Project

Suicide&Co: Sidekick

Conducting competitive analysis equipped me with invaluable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the competitors within the market. Through delving into their operations, I discerned potential opportunities to bolster the product and secure a competitive advantage.


Competitive Analysis

Quantitative Research

Conducting competitive analysis equipped me with invaluable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the competitors within the market. Through delving into their operations, I discerned potential opportunities to bolster the product and secure a competitive advantage.




Are keen on learning physical skills over soft and technical skills.


Find quiet public spaces makes them feel more curious and creative.


Prefer to be taught a skill by someone with experience rather then self-taught.


Prefer to interact with others outsides rather than staying indoors.


Are likely to explore something that has caught their eye.


Do activities that involve some form of communication.

User Personas


Following interviews and data analysis, I crafted personas embodying the key characteristics and behaviours of our ideal application users.


Affinity Diagram

As a new app is being created, crafting the user journey necessitated an exploration of competitor applications. This allowed me to discern user preferences, identifying aspects that were intuitive and challenging in their usage.

User Journey


Empathy Map


Information Architecture/User Flow

Problem Statement

Research shows that there are five ways to wellbeing to improve gardeners' mental well-being through life. Gardeners are not achieving all five ways to well-being in accordance to research, on average they are struggling to strengthen their connections in real life as they are isolating themselves within their hobby. On the flip side they are learning new skills.

How can we get gardeners to connect with other people outside their hobbies whilst learning something new? There is a possibility to reduce some of the mental health problems gardeners may face from abandoning one of the five ways to well-being through the creation of an app following those goals.

After completing the previous stage it has allowed me to collated all of the data received and start producing the wireframes.




High Fidelity Prototype

In accordance to the problem statement that outline the key problems that gardeners are facing the high fidelity prototype looked to solving that problem.

Utilising a heat map feature, users can conveniently pinpoint nearby plants and seeds shared by fellow enthusiasts, facilitating connections and potential meet-ups among gardening enthusiasts.

Users have the ability to access and join various community group chats, enabling them to engage in discussions on diverse gardening topics. With notifications prioritised, they can effortlessly stay informed and up-to-date on the latest conversations and developments.



A customisable profile page feature, empowering users to update their location, occupation, and status. This ensures that users possess up-to-date information on their peers, enhancing social interactions and fostering stronger connections within the community.

A feature to showcase achievements, rewarding socialisation and engagement within the app. Users are incentivised to achieve more as these accomplishments are displayed on their profiles. Additionally, users can easily navigate between saved posts, communities, and learning activities, facilitating seamless transitions and enhancing user experience.

Offering an informative plant summary, users gain insights into rarity, size, and plant category. This serves as an encyclopaedia for plants, fostering continuous learning opportunities and enriching users' botanical knowledge.

Providing a concise overview detailing the specifics of each plant enables users to access vital information for potential cultivation. Additionally, users can utilise the alert feature to locate fellow users who possess the plant, fostering another avenue for socialisation and engagement within the community.

Plant Information

Plant Information

Offering an informative plant summary, users gain insights into rarity, size, and plant category. This serves as an encyclopaedia for plants, fostering continuous learning opportunities and enriching users' botanical knowledge.

Offering an informative plant summary, users gain insights into rarity, size, and plant category. This serves as an encyclopaedia for plants, fostering continuous learning opportunities and enriching users' botanical knowledge.


Other Screens


Style Guide




Key Takeaways

User testing was conducted to evaluate what aspects were effective and what needed refinement. This iterative design process allowed me to incorporate insights gathered from user testing to enhance the UI design.

Key insights gleaned from this project emphasised the need to enhance the visibility and accessibility of social features, ensuring users can easily identify and engage with them. Additionally, facilitating connections between users with similar gardening interests and expanding search and filtering options emerged as pivotal improvements for enhancing user experience

Next Project

Suicide&Co: Sidekick

Passive Patricia









Main Goal

Wants to create her own field of flowers where people can visit and host teaching class on flower maintenance.


List of user goals

Obtain all the possible seeds to grow a range of flowers

Share her experience of growing flowers with others

Pain points & objections

List of points of frustration that the user has encountered

People who don’t respect the environment

Allocating time for socialising and hobbiesz

Expectations & needs

List of things that may be required to use the product or service

Set time allocation throughtout the day

Connecting with people near them

Daniel Adegboyega

London, UK

Daniel Adegboyega

London, UK

Daniel Adegboyega

London, UK

Daniel Adegboyega

London, UK

Employing the fundamental UX framework, the project adhered to the five-step process: Empathise, Define, Ideate, Design, and Test. This structured approach facilitated a thorough exploration of the problem, enabling in-depth analysis and informed decision-making throughout the design journey.

Employing the fundamental UX framework, the project adhered to the five-step process: Empathise, Define, Ideate, Design, and Test. This structured approach facilitated a thorough exploration of the problem, enabling in-depth analysis and informed decision-making throughout the design journey.


Following interviews and data analysis, I crafted personas embodying the key characteristics and behaviours of our ideal application users.


Information Architecture/User Flow

Style Guide

Project Timeline


To ensure efficient progress and timely delivery, a project map was crafted. This map outlined specific completion dates for each stage within the 5-step UX framework, enabling precise planning and alignment with project deadlines.

To ensure efficient progress and timely delivery, a project map was crafted. This map outlined specific completion dates for each stage within the 5-step UX framework, enabling precise planning and alignment with project deadlines.


Design Process

Design Process


Design Process

Employing the fundamental UX framework, the project adhered to the five-step process: Empathise, Define, Ideate, Design, and Test. This structured approach facilitated a thorough exploration of the problem, enabling in-depth analysis and informed decision-making throughout the design journey.

As a new app is being created, crafting the user journey necessitated an exploration of competitor applications. This allowed me to discern user preferences, identifying aspects that were intuitive and challenging in their usage.

User Journey


Other Screens