More prominent and clear log in page easy to locate the areas that need to be filled in and submitted.

Quicker signing process makes it more efficient for users to get help as they can use their social media profiles as a form of log in.

Entrusted with enhancing Sidekick by Suicide&Co's digital presence, my goal was clear: innovate by introducing cutting-edge features or refining existing solutions across apps and in-app functions. Embracing a digital-first mindset, I aimed to seamlessly integrate the digital realm with real-world experiences, ultimately redefining how individuals navigate and improve their emotional well-being through technology. With the app's sensitive subject matter in mind, I approached the project with utmost respect, caution, and sensitivity, ensuring every step aligned with Suicide&Co's overarching mission.

Entrusted with enhancing Sidekick by Suicide&Co's digital presence, my goal was clear: innovate by introducing cutting-edge features or refining existing solutions across apps and in-app functions. Embracing a digital-first mindset, I aimed to seamlessly integrate the digital realm with real-world experiences, ultimately redefining how individuals navigate and improve their emotional well-being through technology. With the app's sensitive subject matter in mind, I approached the project with utmost respect, caution, and sensitivity, ensuring every step aligned with Suicide&Co's overarching mission.

Entrusted with enhancing Sidekick by Suicide&Co's digital presence, my goal was clear: innovate by introducing cutting-edge features or refining existing solutions across apps and in-app functions. Embracing a digital-first mindset, I aimed to seamlessly integrate the digital realm with real-world experiences, ultimately redefining how individuals navigate and improve their emotional well-being through technology. With the app's sensitive subject matter in mind, I approached the project with utmost respect, caution, and sensitivity, ensuring every step aligned with Suicide&Co's overarching mission.




UX Research|UX/UI Design




Scope of Work

UX Design

UI Design

UX Research


UX Design

UI Design




UX Research

Client: Suicide&Co - Sidekick

Client: Suicide&Co - Sidekick

Client: Suicide&Co - Sidekick

UX Design

UI Design

UX Research


Suicide&Co’s mission is to support bereaved individuals and open the conversation around suicide relate grief. Their passion for helping others stems from personal experiences of looing a love one from suicide.

Suicide&Co’s mission is to support bereaved individuals and open the conversation around suicide relate grief. Their passion for helping others stems from personal experiences of looing a love one from suicide.


About Suicide&Co

To develop a new feature or improve the existing digital experience, service or tool (such as apps or in-app functions) of Sidekick by Suicide&Co. With a focus on digital-first solutions to consider how digital meets real-world experiences and how your idea could improve how people manage their emotional wellbeing.

To develop a new feature or improve the existing digital experience, service or tool (such as apps or in-app functions) of Sidekick by Suicide&Co. With a focus on digital-first solutions to consider how digital meets real-world experiences and how your idea could improve how people manage their emotional wellbeing.


The solution to this was to make sure that people could manage their emotional wellbeing easily within the app This was done by:

Modern UI design

Leveraging customer data for hyper-personalisation

Transforming information architecture paradigms

Analysing common user journeys and scenarios

Using other successful apps and users as basis of improvement

The solution to this was to make sure that people could manage their emotional wellbeing easily within the app This was done by:

Modern UI design

Leveraging customer data for hyper-personalisation

Transforming information architecture paradigms

Analysing common user journeys and scenarios

Using other successful apps and users as basis of improvement



User Research

User Interview

Competitve Analysis



User Personas

Empathy Map

User Journey


User Flow

Information Architecture



Hi-Fi Designs





Future Concept

The Design Process


Employing the fundamental UX framework, the project adhered to the five-step process: Empathise, Define, Ideate, Design, and Test. This structured approach facilitated a thorough exploration of the problem, enabling in-depth analysis and informed decision-making throughout the design journey.

To ensure efficient progress and timely delivery, a project map was crafted. This map outlined specific completion dates for each stage within the 5-step UX framework, enabling precise planning and alignment with project deadlines.

To ensure efficient progress and timely delivery, a project map was crafted. This map outlined specific completion dates for each stage within the 5-step UX framework, enabling precise planning and alignment with project deadlines.

To ensure efficient progress and timely delivery, a project map was crafted. This map outlined specific completion dates for each stage within the 5-step UX framework, enabling precise planning and alignment with project deadlines.



Project Timeline

Project Timeline

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th week

5th week

6th week


User Research, User Interview, Competitve Analysis


User Personas, Empathy Map, User Journey, Affinity diagram


User flow, & Information Architecture


Wireframe, HI-Fi Design, Prototype


Feedbacks, Conclusion, Future Concept

Suicide&Co don’t particularly have a target audience as there goal is to help everyone who is experience bereavement. As a result a target audience was specifically defined but a general audience was identified instead.

Suicide&Co don’t particularly have a target audience as there goal is to help everyone who is experience bereavement. As a result a target audience was specifically defined but a general audience was identified instead.


Target Audience

To gain deeper insights into the target audience and align with the brief requirements, my approach centred on empathising with potential app users. I conducted a thorough blend of qualitative and quantitative data research, ensuring the extraction of primary data directly from the target audience.

In conjunction with my primary research, I conducted secondary research on suicide to enhance my understanding of the topic. Furthermore, comprehensive research was undertaken on Suicide&co, delving into its goals, rationale, and background to gain a nuanced perspective.

To gain deeper insights into the target audience and align with the brief requirements, my approach centred on empathising with potential app users. I conducted a thorough blend of qualitative and quantitative data research, ensuring the extraction of primary data directly from the target audience.

In conjunction with my primary research, I conducted secondary research on suicide to enhance my understanding of the topic. Furthermore, comprehensive research was undertaken on Suicide&co, delving into its goals, rationale, and background to gain a nuanced perspective.


User Research

Competitor analysis played a pivotal role as I sought to identify successful strategies and areas for improvement. This enabled me to refine and enhance my own ideas by incorporating proven methods and avoiding pitfalls observed in competitors' approaches.


Competitive Analysis



Don’t Panic



Help Resources


Wellness Trends




To gather quantitative data, I devised a survey aimed at compiling pertinent information and uncovering trends within the posed questions. Strategically leveraging Reddit as a platform ensured access to a sizeable pool of respondents. Targeting groups with relevance to suicide specifically honed in on obtaining a meaningful and focused dataset.

To gather quantitative data, I devised a survey aimed at compiling pertinent information and uncovering trends within the posed questions. Strategically leveraging Reddit as a platform ensured access to a sizeable pool of respondents. Targeting groups with relevance to suicide specifically honed in on obtaining a meaningful and focused dataset.

To gather quantitative data, I devised a survey aimed at compiling pertinent information and uncovering trends within the posed questions. Strategically leveraging Reddit as a platform ensured access to a sizeable pool of respondents. Targeting groups with relevance to suicide specifically honed in on obtaining a meaningful and focused dataset.




Have experienced feelings of sadness or hopelessness recently.

Have experienced feelings of sadness or hopelessness recently.



Thoughts of ending their life.

Thoughts of ending their life.



They don’t have any control of their emotions.

They don’t have any control of their emotions.



Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research

Adventurous Alex









Main Goal

Leave the UK where they can have a remote job which allows them to travel the world.


List of user goals

Explore new destinations and discover hidden gems through photography

Immerse himself in different cultures and environments around the world

Personal growth by stepping outside of his comfort zone

Pain points & objections

List of points of frustration that the user has encountered

Lack of information, struggles to find reliable resources that he can trust

Time constraints from work don’t allow him to take part in certain things

Expectations & needs

List of things that may be required to use the product or service

Community recommendations from users that have similar experiences

Integration with social media

Silent Sarah




Freelance Designer





Main Goal

To become a polyglot so that she can communicate with others on a personal level.


List of user goals

Have her own book collection

Attend more socialising events with people that she doesn’t know

Pain points & objections

List of points of frustration that the user has encountered

Overwhelmed by too many choices can become indecisive

Lack of immersion opportunities to practice new skills

Expectations & needs

List of things that may be required to use the product or service

Structure and organisation when interacting with a product or service

Community support to see what methods worked for others


Following interviews and meticulous data analysis, I crafted personas embodying the key characteristics and behaviors of potential users for the application. The affinity diagram played a crucial role in synthesizing insights and shaping these personas, ensuring they accurately reflected the diverse needs and preferences of our target audience.

Following interviews and meticulous data analysis, I crafted personas embodying the key characteristics and behaviors of potential users for the application. The affinity diagram played a crucial role in synthesizing insights and shaping these personas, ensuring they accurately reflected the diverse needs and preferences of our target audience.

Following interviews and meticulous data analysis, I crafted personas embodying the key characteristics and behaviors of potential users for the application. The affinity diagram played a crucial role in synthesizing insights and shaping these personas, ensuring they accurately reflected the diverse needs and preferences of our target audience.

Releasing stress by engaging in enjoyable activities.

Starting a new hobby or interest.

Journaling and tracking any improvements within their life.

Relying on others and opening up to them for help.

Coping Strategies

Emotional Struggles

The feeling of never being good enough.

Having negative thoughts.

Not having any coping methods instead bottling everything inside.

Mindset of not being worthy of anything and seeing suicide as the only option.

Reluctant to talk about feelings to others, fear of being judged.

Feeling isolated from the world, mindset of everyone is against them.

Not being understood by others.

Turning to distractions to try and numb the pain they are experiencing.

Social Support

Affinity Diagram







Task List

Navigation through app store to download the app

Entering email

address, name and

password. Then

filling out personal

questions .

Exploring different ways of getting help through different exercises within the app.

Track mood changes and see mood

history to check if

there has been

any improvements.



Simple and easy to locate name of the app is unique making the search easier.

Registering an account is quite easy and straight forward to do.

Can be deemed

frustrating as you

want help asap not to sign up.

Consistently looking to improve wellbeing everyday and seeing positive results of being consistent.




Can be deemed

frustrating as you

want help asap not to sign up.

Making the exercises easier to access and the forefront of the app.

Struggling to see a change in . wellbeing as they have no support in real life only through a app.


User Journey

As a new app is being created, crafting the user journey necessitated an exploration of competitor applications. This allowed us to discern user preferences, identifying aspects that were intuitive and challenging in their usage.

As a new app is being created, crafting the user journey necessitated an exploration of competitor applications. This allowed us to discern user preferences, identifying aspects that were intuitive and challenging in their usage.

As a new app is being created, crafting the user journey necessitated an exploration of competitor applications. This allowed us to discern user preferences, identifying aspects that were intuitive and challenging in their usage.

As a new app is being created, crafting the user journey necessitated an exploration of competitor applications. This allowed us to discern user preferences, identifying aspects that were intuitive and challenging in their usage.

As a new app is being created, crafting the user journey necessitated an exploration of competitor applications. This allowed us to discern user preferences, identifying aspects that were intuitive and challenging in their usage.

As a new app is being created, crafting the user journey necessitated an exploration of competitor applications. This allowed us to discern user preferences, identifying aspects that were intuitive and challenging in their usage.


“I feel alone in dealing with my mental health struggles.”

“I don’t know where to turn for help when feeling overwhelmed.”

“I wish there were more resources available to support me.”

“I don’t reach out for help because I don’t want to burden others.”


Worries about stigma associated with mental health issues and seeking help.

Longs for supportive community and accessible resources to help their health.

Feels isolated and misunderstood in their struggles with mental health.

Aspires to find effective coping strategies and connect with others.


Feels isolated and alone in their struggles of mental health.

Worries about the consequences of reaching out to people.

Overwhelmed by different challenges they face daily.

Longs for a change in their daily life.


Engages in online research to learn more about mental health.

Reaches out to friends and family sometimes for help.

Hesitates to get actual professional help.

Engages in self destructive behaviours as a way of coping.

Empathy Map


Information Architecture/User Flow



Information Architecture/User Flow

Problem Statement

Many individuals experience overwhelming feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness, and even contemplate suicide in silence, fearing the impact on others. There is a need to provide effective and accessible support systems that encourage open communication and help individuals cope with their emotional struggles, social isolation, and the absence of a strong support network.

Many individuals experience overwhelming feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness, and even contemplate suicide in silence, fearing the impact on others. There is a need to provide effective and accessible support systems that encourage open communication and help individuals cope with their emotional struggles, social isolation, and the absence of a strong support network.



In order to get an initial idea of the potential design concepts of the rebranded app wireframes were created.


High Fidelity Prototype

In accordance to the problem statement that outline the key problems that gardeners are facing the high fidelity prototype looked to solving that problem.

More prominent and clear log in page easy to locate the areas that need to be filled in and submitted.

Reflection time allocates one minute reflection time that randomly pops up whilst in the app. To enable the users to reflect on their love one that they have lost.

Ai support companion that is constantly available 24/7, acts as a substitute for support and advice when support services are down and you need instant help.

Quicker signing process makes it more efficient for users to get help as they can use their social media profiles as a form of log in.

Ability to add pictures of the love one that has been lost, so that it is in the slideshow. Also there is a time to keep track of how long they have been reflecting for.

Use the chat function to come up with your own prompts are use the pre-made ones that are linked to the speciality of that animal i.e reassurance.

Reflection Time

Ai Support Companion

Sign In

Other Screens

Other Screens



Next Project

FUI: Game Creation


Daniel Adegboyega

Want to work together?

Get in touch


Daniel Adegboyega

Want to work together?

Get in touch


Daniel Adegboyega

Want to work together?

Get in touch


UX Research|UX/UI Design




Scope of Work




User Research

User Interview

Competitve Analysis



User Personas

Empathy Map

User Journey



Hi-Fi Designs





Future Concept

User Flow




Employing the fundamental UX framework, the project adhered to the five-step process: Empathise, Define, Ideate, Design, and Test. This structured approach facilitated a thorough exploration of the problem, enabling in-depth analysis and informed decision-making throughout the design journey.


The Design Process

Competitor analysis played a pivotal role as I sought to identify successful strategies and areas for improvement. This enabled me to refine and enhance my own ideas by incorporating proven methods and avoiding pitfalls observed in competitors' approaches.


Competitive Analysis


Say they speak to others about their emotions.


Want to get help but don’t know how.


Are willing to try anything to solve their bereavement.


User Personas


Affinity Diagram


Empathy Map



In order to get an initial idea of the potential design concepts of the rebranded app wireframes were created.


High Fidelity Prototype

In accordance to the problem statement that outline the key problems that gardeners are facing the high fidelity prototype looked to solving that problem.

Reflection time allocates one minute reflection time that randomly pops up whilst in the app. To enable the users to reflect on their love one that they have lost.

Ability to add pictures of the love one that has been lost, so that it is in the slideshow. Also there is a time to keep track of how long they have been reflecting for.

Reflection Time

Ai support companion that is constantly available 24/7, acts as a substitute for support and advice when support services are down and you need instant help.

Use the chat function to come up with your own prompts are use the pre-made ones that are linked to the speciality of that animal i.e reassurance.

Ai Support Companion

Other Screens


FUI: Game Creation

Next Project







Scope of Work

UX Research|UX/UI Design

Suicide&Co’s mission is to support bereaved individuals and open the conversation around suicide relate grief. Their passion for helping others stems from personal experiences of looing a love one from suicide.


About Suicide&Co

To develop a new feature or improve the existing digital experience, service or tool (such as apps or in-app functions) of Sidekick by Suicide&Co. With a focus on digital-first solutions to consider how digital meets real-world experiences and how your idea could improve how people manage their emotional wellbeing.


The solution to this was to make sure that people could manage their emotional wellbeing easily within the app This was done by:

Modern UI design

Leveraging customer data for hyper-personalisation

Transforming information architecture paradigms

Analysing common user journeys and scenarios

Using other successful apps and users as basis of improvement



The Design Process

Employing the fundamental UX framework, the project adhered to the five-step process: Empathise, Define, Ideate, Design, and Test. This structured approach facilitated a thorough exploration of the problem, enabling in-depth analysis and informed decision-making throughout the design journey.




Future Concept



Hi-Fi Designs





User Research

User Interview

Competitve Analysis



User Personas

Empathy Map

User Journey

User Flow


Suicide&Co don’t particularly have a target audience as there goal is to help everyone who is experience bereavement. As a result a target audience was specifically defined but a general audience was identified instead.


Target Audience

To gain deeper insights into the target audience and align with the brief requirements, my approach centred on empathising with potential app users. I conducted a thorough blend of qualitative and quantitative data research, ensuring the extraction of primary data directly from the target audience.

In conjunction with my primary research, I conducted secondary research on suicide to enhance my understanding of the topic. Furthermore, comprehensive research was undertaken on Suicide&co, delving into its goals, rationale, and background to gain a nuanced perspective.


Competitive Analysis


User Research


Say they speak to others about their emotions.


Want to get help but don’t know how.


Are willing to try anything to solve their bereavement.



Have experienced feelings of sadness or hopelessness recently.


Thoughts of ending their life.


They don’t have any control of their emotions.


Say they speak to others about their emotions.


Want to get help but don’t know how.


Are willing to try anything to solve their bereavement.


User Personas

Competitor analysis played a pivotal role as I sought to identify successful strategies and areas for improvement. This enabled me to refine and enhance my own ideas by incorporating proven methods and avoiding pitfalls observed in competitors' approaches.


Affinity Diagram


User Journey

As a new app is being created, crafting the user journey necessitated an exploration of competitor applications. This allowed us to discern user preferences, identifying aspects that were intuitive and challenging in their usage.


Empathy Map

Information Architecture/User Flow


Many individuals experience overwhelming feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness, and even contemplate suicide in silence, fearing the impact on others. There is a need to provide effective and accessible support systems that encourage open communication and help individuals cope with their emotional struggles, social isolation, and the absence of a strong support network.

Problem Statement




High Fidelity Prototype

In accordance to the problem statement that outline the key problems that gardeners are facing the high fidelity prototype looked to solving that problem.

More prominent and clear log in page easy to locate the areas that need to be filled in and submitted.

Quicker signing process makes it more efficient for users to get help as they can use their social media profiles as a form of log in.

Sign In

Sign In

Reflection Time

Reflection time allocates one minute reflection time that randomly pops up whilst in the app. To enable the users to reflect on their love one that they have lost.

Ability to add pictures of the love one that has been lost, so that it is in the slideshow. Also there is a time to keep track of how long they have been reflecting for.

Ai Support Companion

Ai support companion that is constantly available 24/7, acts as a substitute for support and advice when support services are down and you need instant help.

Use the chat function to come up with your own prompts are use the pre-made ones that are linked to the speciality of that animal i.e reassurance.

Next Project

Suicide&Co: Sidekick

User Personas


Daniel Adegboyega

London, UK

Daniel Adegboyega

London, UK




In order to get an initial idea of the potential design concepts of the rebranded app wireframes were created.